Career Consultation

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Copy of Copy of Copy of 800px x 600px – Untitled Design (3).png

Career Consultation

from $150.00

Do you want to switch careers, but don't know where to start? Do you keep getting phone interviews but never hear back from employers? Are you unsure what jobs you should be applying for in the first place? 

Your one-on-one career consultation will tackle these questions and more. Make short-and long-term goals, set up an action plan for professional growth, practice interview skills, learn the Dos and Don'ts of networking, commit to a timeline for becoming self-employed -- whatever you need! 

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How does this work?

Consults may be conducted in person (NYC) or via phone/videochat. Once you place your order a coach will be in touch to set your goals for the consult, gather helpful documents like resumes and cover letters, and prepare for the appointment. 

If you ordered a resume and/or cover letter edit, you will receive your first edit 3-5 business days after your appointment. Reply within 30 days for additional revisions if necessary.


What if I have questions?

We are available via email and instant message for resume editing questions, plus phone or videoconference for career and resume writing consultations. Contact us with questions.